The Dreamers Review

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Title: The Dreamers
Karen Thompson Walker
Science Fiction, Literary Fiction
Hardcover, 303 pages
Goodreads page


This takes place in secluded college town in California. A college student falls asleep and no one can wake her. Now the sickness and panic are spreading as more and more people fall asleep.

My Review

This is a speculative fiction that definitely won’t be for everyone. This story does not give reasoning or closure so if this is something you need, I’d suggest skipping this one. However if you love beautiful, dream like writing, mystery, and slow paced world building I can’t recommend this enough!

What I Liked

  1. The writing in this was absolutely beautiful. The entire book actually felt like a dream. Every time I picked this up I was immediately pulled in and absorbed into the world.
  2. I read a lot of reviews that said they felt nothing for the characters but I didn’t feel that way. Some of them I liked more than others (just like in real life) but I loved all the small snippets into so many lives. It was so interesting to get small moments throughout the experience from so many different points of view.
  3. Mei was my favorite character. My heart broke for her. <spoilers>And her death hit me a lot harder than I anticipated</spoilers>

What I Didn’t Like

  1. My main complaint about the ending what HOW open ended it was. I can’t really talk about this without getting spoiler-y – check out my Goodreads review for my full spoiler-y thoughts.

Overall this is a story that will stick with me. I find myself thinking about this book a lot since I’ve finished it. If you’re into open-ended, speculative fiction, please check this one out!


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