Anti-TBR Tag

Books I WON’T be reading…

This tag has been everywhere lately and I decided I finally wanted to jump on the bandwagon.

This was originally created by Nicole from nicoleandherbooks so definitely go check her video out!

As always – I’m sorry if you’re favorite/most-anticipated book is on this list. I’m no personally coming for you, these are just my opinions and you’re more than welcome to think they’re wrong 😅

1. A popular book everyone loves but you have no interest in reading?

Starting off with a bang 🙈 I have heard nothing but amazing things about both this and Song of Achilles. But I’ll absolutely never read them. I do not get on well with mythology and I don’t want to push through something I won’t enjoy just because of the hype.

2. A classic book/author you don’t have an interest in reading?

Most of them honestly 😅 Dickens? No thank you, I suffered through Great Expectations once and it was enough for 2 lifetimes. Brontë sisters? Nope. Jane Austen? Haven’t yet, and probably never will 🤷

3. An author whose books you have no interest in reading?

Stephen King. I feel no draw whatsoever.

4. A problematic author whose books you have no interest in reading?

Mark Lawrence… hard pass.

5. An author you have read a couple books from and decided their books are not for you?

Libba Bray…. To this day A Great and Terrible Beauty is my LEAST favorite book of all-time. And I’ve DNF’d The Diviners twice. So we’ve agreed to part ways.

6. A genre you have no interest in OR genre you tried and couldn’t get into?

I don’t think there’s a genre that I will NEVER read. There’s definitely ones I don’t reach for often but I won’t discount a book simply for it’s genre.

7. A book you bought but will never read OR a library book you borrowed but returned unread?

All the classics I own? 😅 My husband and I collect these Barnes and Noble editions and I for sure will never read most of them. But they look pretty on our shelves!

8. A series you have no interest in reading OR a series you started but have dnf’d?

The entire Mortal Instruments world/series… I was a senior in high school when this series started and I was a big snob and didn’t read YA at that time (I was a too-cool-for-anything type of teenager 😅). Now I have no interest reading 9 million backlist books in order to catch up.

9. A new release you have no interest in reading? 

I recently did an entire post about some 2021 releases I won’t be reading. Here’s a few controversial ones 🙈

If you haven’t done this tag yet, consider yourself tagged!!


6 thoughts on “Anti-TBR Tag

  1. I’m the same when it comes to classics. I had to read Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park at university and it made such little impact on me that the only thing I can remember is that she spent about two pages describing a hedge 😂

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