December Readathons

I don’t think it’s any secret that I love readathons. I love lists and challenges and making up TBR’s that I never stick to. And this month there are a TON of fun readathons happening – both holiday themed and not.


So I decided to compile a quick list of readathons happening in December. I definitely recommend checking some of these out! They’re a really fun way to find new books and connect with other bookish people.

Holiday Themed

1. Oh What Fun Readathon

This readathon is hosted by Mackenzie Lane, check out her announcement video here! This readathon is taking place from December 16th – 23rd. The challenge prompts are based off the naughty and nice list – you can either choose a single list ahead of time or mix and match prompts randomly to find out what list you land on! This readathon will also have Instagram photo challenges so you can participate there as well! I’m definitely planning to participate in this one, so my TBR will be coming later this month!


2. TisTheSeasonAThon

This readathon was created by Heather from Bookables and is hosted by some awesome bookish people! This readathon is happening from December 3 – December 9th and has bookish prompts, a group read, and photo challenges! This one is obviously holiday themed but there are definitely plenty of challenges that can be completed without reading a Christmas themed book. I am also planning to participate in this readathon – my TBR will be coming tomorrow!


3. Very Merry Readathon

This was created by Hannah from Tiny Book Dragon and takes place from December 10-16th. There are 5 fun, holiday themed prompts to help you choose your TBR.


4. Cosyathon

This is hosted Georgia from Reading Euphoria and Zoe from Readerbee and runs from December 3rd – December 10th. They have a group book, reading challenges, and twitter sprints with guest hosts! There are also plenty of prompts that can work with non-holiday themed books too!


Non-Holiday Themed

1. Smutathon

Round 2 of this readathon runs from December 10th – 16th. It’s hosted by Riley Marie and  Lainey at GingerReadsLainey and is all about reading popular romance tropes! I am participating in this one as well and I’m so excited for it! I don’t read a ton of New Adult or Romance but I’m in the mood for fun, light reads so this seemed like the perfect fit. Definitely check out their videos for more details and recommendations!

2. Magical Readathon

This readathon series hosted by Book Roast is one of my favorites! Her readathons are so unique and fun, and she puts so much detail and thought into them! For this readathon you follow a map that she created that directs you through different prompts. Technically all of the prompt titles are holiday themed, but the challenges themselves are not (Example: Attend the Yule Ball – Book you’ve been preparing yourself for). So you can absolutely complete this readathon without reading any holiday books!


This is by no means an expansive list – there are TONS more readathons going on this month. Are planning to participate in any readathons this month?




2 thoughts on “December Readathons

  1. I am going to try and participate in Cosyathon and TisTheSeasonAThon next week. I want to do more holiday books for December but I am trying to get some books out of the way for 2018 that have been on my TBR for way too long.

    I don’t do well with Readathons. I am honestly the worst under pressure and can’t do many readathons in a year because I stress myself out haha. I know it is supposed to be fun but I can’t help feeling anxious over making a TBR and sticking to it.
    Good luck this month!


    • I totally know what you mean! I’m trying to be better about keeping my TBRs realistic because otherwise I get overwhelmed and frustrated too!
      I’m doing the TisTheSeasonathon and only chose 3 books rather than a different book for each challenge. It makes it way more manageable, especially since I work full time and can’t always fit in a lot of reading time.
      Good luck with your readathons!! 🙂


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